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Quick Tips on Data Backup & Backup Recovery

 Data backup and recovery is of massive importance for any business irrespective of its size and nature. This is why any business owner should not dare to take this process lightly. Any lapse on the part of the company and it can lead to massive losses both in terms of business and lost clients. Whether you are doing it with the help of a service provider or your own IT department, you must ensure that your data is being backed up and its recovery is possible quickly in real time. Many business owners do not know a thing about data backup and recovery and they even do not know where to turn to when they needdata backup & backup recovery help.

Backups done on a daily basis

Data loss can prove to be a disaster for a company. All operations come to a standstill and there can be a deluge of complaints and cancellation of orders. There are different ways in which a business can avoid likelihood of data loss. Daily data backup is one of the best lines of defence is to go for. If data is backed up in a constant manner, there is little or no likelihood of any significant loss of data.

Many companies save data on tapes though in modern times, disks are preferred over tapes. This is because tapes can often stretch and there are also instances of data becoming corrupt. Also, saving data on tapes is time consuming whereas data backup on disks is efficient and recovery is also quick.

One of the most common causes of data loss is manual error of employees. Overwriting over files by employees leads to data loss. Nearly 15% of instances of data loss are a result of security breaches.

Process of data recovery after a disaster

If a company loses its valuable data because of a natural disaster, it is important for the company to make sure that it does not suffer from any significant downtime. Of course, it is impossible to ensure zero downtime after a disaster but with a proper strategy of data backup & backup recovery help, it is possible to keep this downtime to a minimum.

Remember, if you are not able to resume normal operations even 10 days after a natural disaster, you can lose your business permanently. If you do not have a well chalked out data backup and recovery plan in place, there is a high chance that your business might fold up within the next 6 months. This is the reason why you need to get high quality data backup & backup recovery help.

The idea behind telling the dire consequences of absence of data backup and recovery plan is not to cause any panic in the minds of readers. It means that you should have a contingency plan in place to take action whenever there is data loss because of virus attack, employee error, or a natural disaster. We provide full data backup & backup recovery help to our clients around the country.

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