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Facebook Offering Facial Recognition Feature to All Users

 Facebook, the social networking giant, introduced the feature of facial recognition for the first time in December 2017. Now, this feature has been rolled out for all its users. However, the company has said that this capability will remain turned off until the user opts for it. This means Facebook will not notify a person about his photo being used or tagged on the web by someone unless he has given permission for the use of this feature of face recognition. If you are a regular user, you can contact Facebook support number to clarify your doubts.

In December 2017, Facebook offered this feature to some of its users. But now, face recognition has been offered to all existing and new users of Facebook. Individuals who do not have this feature in their account will get news alert from the company about its introduction. They will also get be given the option to turn it on or not.

Facial recognition is a technology that Facebook uses to alert its customers whenever the face of the customer is detected by the company on Facebook or elsewhere. It doesn’t matter whether this photo has been tagged or not. This technology can be useful in instances where someone tries to use the photo of another individual to make his profile photo. Facebook support service has been busy informing its users about this feature.

In recent past, Facebook received complaints from customers who said they felt uneasy because of this technology. They said that their presence at school, a concert, or a public place could easily be verified through face detection. In fact, cases of police department of many cities using this technology surfaced in the media, suggesting they were doing it in the hope of catching culprits in criminal cases. You might be surprised to know that in some cities like Oakland and San Francisco, departments including police have been banned from using the technology of face detection. This has been done by the authorities to keep control over surveillance by the government.

In fact, face recognition is a technology that has landed even Facebook into trouble recently. In a class action lawsuit that was filed against Facebook in a law court in Illinois; the company was accused of collecting biometric details of its customers without getting their consent. Users said that Facebook was using the technology of face recognition to gather biometric details in an unlawful manner. Illinois happens to be one of the states where companies are required by law to obtain prior consent from their customers before collecting any biometric details.

If you are one of those who remain worried about their privacy, this feature of face recognition could be useful for you. In this age of cyber crimes and frauds, you will be notified by Facebook as soon as someone uploads your photo anywhere on the web with or without your permission. You will have the option of either tagging yourself in the photo or asking the photo to be taken off if it is not appropriate. Of course, you need to turn on this feature in your Facebook account first.

more information : Bank of America Login


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